Rule: Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)

Rule ID Video 3
Conformance Required
Definition An audio description (preferred) or alternative for time-based media of the prerecorded video content is provided for synchronized media, except when the media is a media alternative for text and is clearly labeled as such.
  • This Success Criterion may help some people who have difficulty watching video or other synchronized media content, including people who have difficulty perceiving or understanding moving images.
Conformance Required
WCAG Success Criteria

Success Criterion 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)

Rule Category Audio/Video
Rule Scope Element
  • For the video element use the track element to add audio descriptions to the video content.
  • For object and embed elements use aria-describedby to reference a text description of the video content.
  • Note: Audio descriptions are preferred over other alternatives since WCAG Success Criteria 1.2.5 (AA) requires the use of audio descriptions and legal requirements for accessibility include WCAG AA requirements.
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