Rule: banner landmark: identifies branding content

Rule ID Landmark 4
Conformance Required
Definition Website branding content, typically at the top of a web page, must be identified by using the banner landmark.
  • A banner landmark provides a way to identify organizational or company branding content, usually replicated across all pages and located at the top of each page.
Conformance Required
WCAG Success Criteria

Success Criterion 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

Rule Category Landmarks
Rule Scope Page
  • The header element defines a banner landmark, except when it is a descendant of any of the following elements: article, aside, main, nav or section.
  • If the header element technique is not being used, a role="banner" attribute on the container element for the branding content can be used to define a banner landmark.
  • In websites that support mashups using iframe or custom web components, a banner landmark is allowed in each iframe or shadowRoot.
  • If the page is part of a website supporting mashups, use the aria-labelledby or aria-label attribute to differentiate banner landmarks in each frame.
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