Techniques |
- Ideally, the long description of an image should be accessible to all users by including it as part of the page content, and in close proximity to the image it describes.
- Use the
aria-describedby attribute to reference one or more id s on the page that contain the long description. When this technique is used, assistive technologies extract the text content of the referenced id s and make it available as concatenated, unstructured text (i.e., stripping out any list markup, links, paragraphs, etc.).
- Use the
title attribute to provide a long description.
- Use the
alt attribute or equivalent markup to indicate the presence and location of the long description when it consists of structured content (e.g. tabular data, lists, links) in close proximity to the image. For example, alt="..., for more information view the following data table" .
- Use the
longdesc attribute, which requires a URI value, to link to a long description for an image. NOTES: (1) The URI can be an internal link on the same page as the image, or a link to an external page or a fragment thereof. (2) There is a discoverability problem with this technique in that the description will typically only be available to screen reader users. Therefore, until browser implementations for longdesc have improved, alternative techniques that enable all users to access the long description are preferred.
- Use techniques that allow all users to view the long description. For example, the
summary/details elements can be used when the author prefers the detailed description to be initially hidden from users.